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Resources: audio recordings

Thank you to the sangha members who make these recordings and share them!


Refuge Prayer in English and Tibetan

Chenrezik sadhana (short version) Recorded at Athens, Ohio, October 2009 (52 minutes)

The root text of the sadhana written by the Tibetan siddha, Tangton Gyalpo. Known by most people in Tibet, it is the main statement of practice of Chenrezik and includes the mantra Om Mani Peme Hung.

Tashi Prayer MELODY USED AT COLUMBUS KTC (approx. 3 minutes)

Tashi Prayer ALTERNATE MELODY (approx. 3 minutes)

This prayer was compiled by the nineteenth-century Tibetan saint, Mipham Rinpoche. It was extracted from the Buddha’s Sutra of Auspicious Words. It’s meant to bring auspiciousness to any situation, and is frequently recited by Tibetan teachers before jouneys. It can be recited in the morning to bring auspiciousness to the day, and in the evening as a way to bring auspiciousness to one’s sleep. Recited before important tasks, meetings, events, etc., it is said to bring auspiciousness to those undertakings.

Getting Started in Tibetan Buddhism Part 1: Talk at Ohio University, October 2009 (52 minutes)

Getting Started in Tibetan Buddhism Part 2: Listeners’ questions following the talk (35 minutes)

Many are inspired when they hear about the philosophies of the Buddhist tradition -- centered on self-awareness, meditation, and compassion -- but may not know what practical steps to take to follow the path. This talk will cover the basics -- what to read, how to establish a meditation practice, how to find a teacher -- and most importantly, how to train in loving-kindness and compassion.

Who’s Driving Your Karma? Part 1: Public talk at Ohio University, May 2007 (33 minutes)

Who’s Driving Your Karma? Part 2: Listeners’ questions following the talk (54 minutes)

A talk on the Buddhist concept of karma. It’s a familiar word, but what does “karma” mean? What determines the conditions we find ourselves in? Is this something we can control?
